Functional Peculiarities of Culturonyms in The Context Of Political Media Discourse




The workings of culturally influenced language indicators in political mass media are revealed in this essay. The way that culturally marked linguistic signs are used in political conversation has some quirks that enable them to accomplish the objectives that political communication sets. The political communication tasks, on the one hand, determine the reality that culturally marked units actively participate in political debate. However, these objectives and activities align with the ontological characteristics of these signals. These characteristics include the axiogeneity of linguistic signals with cultural markers, their innate capacity to designate, recognize, and encode the values of the language and cultural community, their capacity to refer to the latter, and their capacity to fulfill evaluative and expressive functions. These indicators' primary characteristic is the information about cultural values they transmit; that is, their capacity to create a modal environment by making reference to societal value vectors. Cultural names become sources of cultural modality throughout the discursive adaptation process. This is defined as the assessment from the perspective of society cultural values; in other words, it is accountable for providing an assessment or refutation based on a particular cultural tradition. Ideological and cultural modalities are combined in a political mediatext. This process intensifies the persuasiveness and agony of this kind of discourse.


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How to Cite

Abbasova, B. (2024). Functional Peculiarities of Culturonyms in The Context Of Political Media Discourse. Acta Globalis Humanitatis Et Linguarum, 1(2), 155-161.