The Pragmatics of Translation: Challenges, Techniques, and Innovations




Translation, British folklore, oral literature, Azerbaijani language, cultural adaptation


This article examines the challenges and considerations involved in translating British oral folklore into the Azerbaijani language. It explores the unique linguistic, cultural, and stylistic features of oral literature that pose difficulties for translators. By analyzing examples of British oral folklore, the study identifies common translation issues, such as preserving cultural nuances, metaphorical language, and idiomatic expressions, while ensuring accessibility for Azerbaijani readers. The research highlights the importance of cultural adaptation and linguistic equivalence in maintaining the integrity of folklore during the translation process. Furthermore, the article discusses strategies and techniques that translators can employ to overcome these challenges, emphasizing the critical role of translators as cultural mediators. This study contributes to the broader discourse on literary translation by offering insights into the complexities of rendering oral literature across languages.


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How to Cite

Ahmadova, A. (2025). The Pragmatics of Translation: Challenges, Techniques, and Innovations. EuroGlobal Journal of Linguistics and Language Education, 2(1), 4-14.

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