Revamping Traditional Methods: Evaluating the Grammar-Translation Method in Modern Language Teaching




Grammar-Translation Method##common.commaListSeparator## Language Teaching##common.commaListSeparator## Communicative Competence##common.commaListSeparator## Mixed Methodologies##common.commaListSeparator## Learner-Centered Approaches


The Grammar-Translation Method (GTM) has long been a staple in language education, particularly in non-native English-speaking contexts like Azerbaijan. While it excels in teaching grammar and translation, its limitations in fostering communicative competence and practical language use have drawn criticism. This article examines the strengths and drawbacks of GTM, such as its focus on grammatical accuracy and vocabulary development versus its neglect of speaking and listening skills. Alternative approaches are proposed, including integrating mixed methodologies, leveraging technology, fostering authentic communication, and adopting learner-centered practices. These solutions aim to modernize GTM, balancing traditional strengths with innovative methods to meet the demands of contemporary language learners.


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