The Role and Importance of National Economic Law in The International Legal Order




National Economic Law, Competition Law, Stock Market Law, Extraterritorial Application Of National Law, Crisis İn İnternational Law, Jurisdiction Under İnternational Law


The present article seeks to evaluate the international effects of the establishment of national economic law rules and the conditions for their application based on the principles of public international law. Considering the emergence of national economic law, which is a response to the social and internal developments of countries and in response to the shortcomings of private law, and considering the phenomenon of globalization and the fading of national borders and the intertwining of many social and economic relations at the international level, the application of national economic law has caused tensions and conflicts between different countries.

This problem must be dealt with either through the coordination and unification of national economic law rules or through the resolution of disputes between the countries involved based on the basic principles accepted internationally. This article seeks to examine and present a framework of public international law based on which the limits of jurisdiction of states in the application of national economic law can be applied.

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How to Cite

Dursun, E., Ekram Yawar, M., & Amani, A. (2025). The Role and Importance of National Economic Law in The International Legal Order. EuroGlobal Journal of Linguistics and Language Education, 2(2), 46-74.

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